Sitemap - 2023 - The HOPE shortcut

The Silent Health Revolution, Changing Beliefs Around Health and Wellbeing

The Remarkable Comeback: Rediscovering Her Right Hand - A Parkinson's Victory Story

Survivor Stories: A dedicated woman heading towards her goal of getting rid of her Parkinon's Diagnosis

Over-activation of the Dopamine-Adrenaline Cycle

The Fawn Stress Response

Overcoming Numbing Due to Fight, Flight, or Freeze as a Defence Against Feeling the Body in Therapy

Unlock the Secret to Natural Healing for chronic Disease! Interview: Prediction as a Cause

Unlock the Secret to Natural Healing for chronic Disease! Interview: Prediction as a Cause

The Freeze Instinct

The Freeze Instinct

PTSD, Parkinson's and Body Memories

How the Predicting Brain Changes Itself

My Healing Journey - a practical antidote to modern world - connections and slow living

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection with the "Movement Monk"

The Flight Instinct and Chronic Diseases - Part 2: Modern Working Life

The Flight Instinct and Chronic Diseases such as Parkinson's. Part 1: Fear in your past and current life

The Fight Instinct, and how it Influences Chronic diseases

The Role of the Endocannabinoid System in Stress Reduction

Adrenaline and Symptoms

Exam Anxiety as an Illustrative Example of Loss of Connection Body and Mind

Body Memories and Trauma

The Role of the Brain as a "Predicting Organ" in Chronic Disease

Prediction theories from science and how they fit perfectly into alternative treatment of Parkinson's disease (and most other diseases)

Symptoms As Alarm Calls from the Inside

Why did you get your diagnosis?

A Novel Approach for Reducing Stress that Fuels Chronic Illness Symptoms

How your natural biology and instincts affect your health in a modern world

How can a biologist help solve the mystery about chronic diseases

Small repeated body memories can add up to a huge pain causing trauma

Can you think yourself into a Chronic Disease?

Welcome to new hope