Like most coaches and therapists, I started my coach education because I struggled myself.
I was amazed by the strength of the powerful tools I learned during my coach study.
In this video clip, you get an introduction to my career as a coach and therapist and why I choose chronic diseases.
When I was 30 my husband got a deadly disease with a strange personality description connected - mainly clever men got it.
One of my teachers told me about a man with sclerosis that from a wheelchair fought himself back to walking as a normal person. This was the kickstart.
Everything I have learned as a human and scientist was provoked. How was that even possible?
I made my own small experiment as a newly educated coach and therapist, inviting 4 people with different chronic diseases to 5 long 1:1 sessions with me.
That was the start to cracking the code on chronic diseases (standing on the shoulders of survivors, knowledge on the internet)…. and I am not the only one that has cracked the code e.g. Gary Sharpe, who has Parkinson’s himself came to the same conclusion. Here is Gary sharing my theory (click the picture):
Transcription of the video
With smaller addition of knowledge and refining of my English for a clearer understanding
My whole life I've had a big urge to get better self-confidence. So from the day I was grown up and moved away from my parents, I've searched for courses, and I read a lot of books.
When it became possible, I searched on the internet.
That's why I've learned a lot about psychology, human behavior, and personal development.
When I was 30 years old, my husband got a cancer disease called Hodgkin's lymphoma. Doctors told us that it was a disease that mainly men with a high level of education, got this disease. It fits very well with him because he's now a professor at a university.
At that time, I thought, “what? These diseases, weren't they genetic? Wasn't it random? How could it be people that were good at thinking? ”
This disease, these words, both gave me a lot of knowledge about how it is to be ill and to be a relative to a very diseased person.
This sentence lingered in my brain for decades, the thought that you can think yourself into a disease was intriguing. In the years that followed, I found more similar sentences like that.
Example of strange science: Swimming is not allowed after eating
For example, if you can remember, 30 years ago, we were not allowed to go swimming after we have eaten. It was just natural, we stood in the sand, waiting, waiting, waiting. And then, suddenly, it was not a problem.
I investigated. Science has thought for, what? 50 years that it was a problem, and suddenly it was not a problem. (In ~1963 a scientist found out there where no relation between dying during swimming and eating. But it took +30 years for this truth to spread around the world)
Other examples of the world changing
We have been told that in the 60s, parents were not allowed to visit their children that were in hospitals. We have recently found out that it's the worst thing you can do. In Denmark, you can even, sleep together with your child at hospitals.
In the 60s, when you had an operation, you should stay in bed for weeks. Now it's not the case anymore.
So, something is happening. The science that once told us one thing, is evolving. So now it's other things that are good practice. And this journey will continue.
So, science will give us new ways to do things. Alternative therapies will always be on the front edge and finding out new things about diseases, that mainstream science cannot.
Getting into action
So, back to my story. When I took my coaching course and became a certified coach, there was a teacher that told us, that a man with sclerosis, he knew, had fought himself back. He could now walk normally again after being in a wheelchair for years.
I was just like, “hey, that's completely against everything I have learned. You get a chronic disease and it can only be worse and worse”. I've never ever heard the variation that you get a chronic disease and then you become better and better unless it was a germ, bacteria, virus, or similar.
So, I thought that with my new knowledge about coaching and therapy, I must investigate it. I think I'm a scientist deep in my heart.
I found a man with sclerosis and made a small test. after one session he regained a newly lost ability to walk from his wheelchair to the doorstep to the toilet for 24 hours (the room was too narrow for the wheelchair). This finding was enough me to continue the experiment.
So, I found four people with different chronic diseases and started to help them with my new knowledge as a coach and therapist.
I gave them five sessions each. So, I know I couldn't do a lot in these five sessions, but I was amazed that I as a new coach and therapist, could always for minutes or maybe even hours calm down the symptoms. The only thing I can do is reduce stress.
So, having seen this reduction in symptoms several times, gave me a foundation to investigate this new view of diseases:
Connecting the dots
And giving you and your loved ones a chance to stand on my shoulders
I started looking out into the world (www) and I spent three to five hours a day for three years, searching for more and more information and finding the survivor stories of these people
What is the relation between chronic diseases and stress reduction?
I found more and more evidence via studies and videos.
I found survivor stories about people with terrible diagnoses that have become better and symptom-free.
I could see the patterns in their strategies even though they each have an endlessly long list of how they became better.
With my biological knowledge, It suddenly clicked with this understanding of the mammal’s natural fight, flight, and freeze instincts.
Via my coach-knowledge, I made a modeling strategy to mimic the mindset, knowledge, and strategy of the survivors of chronic diseases. The once that regenerated and came back to normal health.
I built up my online course with all this knowledge. Including the four strategies that people typically used to reduce their symptoms.
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