
What can a Community do for a Person Committed to Natural Healing?

A Community Supporting Hope

Here is a video we made with information about our HOPE shortcut Community, including a rare appearance by Gary!

A very unique Community for natural health and healing:
100% personal development and life choices.**

Our philosophy behind this is below, and the video’s transcript is below that.

Further Information

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Benefits of the HOPE Shortcut Community

“We should have recovery or respite centres where people who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness can go at the point of diagnosis, be looked after, for say the first 6 months, where they can totally de-stress, and learn all the stress reduction and symptom reduction techniques to carry them forward.

Instead of just abandoning them and cursing them with
the nocebo effect of ‘you can’t get better’.

This has been a dream of mine for some time. While this remains for the future, the intention of this community is to provide a virtual version of this concept”.

Gary Sharpe,
December 2022

Right now, science divides people with physical symptoms into diagnoses and symptoms. So you probably do not know anyone with your diagnosis who is interested in getting better the natural way... without pills and surgeries. So in a community like this, you are suddenly surrounded by a group of people who have the same goal and are oriented to give this new way of looking at symptoms a chance. That in itself is a relief. Hearing other people tell their success stories, big and small.

Then we do our best to crack the old belief that "there is nothing to be done" by finding the science that supports what we are doing and helping people move forward with their beliefs.

The science is there now and supports us, and since we are several steps ahead of the science, this is a place to refill your maybe empty tank of hope and faith in your own healing abilities.

And not to forget a lot of tips and practical help to start your journey to better health... a structured way, based on natural obvious knowledge about your biology.

Support and Community

Recovery can be a lonely journey, in a world that tells us we can’t get better, and few understand.

Get Healthy and Well

  • We are not broken, but terribly stressed by our modern world.

  • We are spending too much time in fight, flight, and freeze, instincts long term, which is causing symptoms and diagnoses.

  • Here, we learn together how to calm our biological system, and de-stress, in order to reduce symptoms.

Our intention for this space is to provide fellowship and companionship on our healing journeys, as well as an online recovery retreat, where you can learn and onboard the knowledge and techniques for healing and recovery.

We know and have experienced, not only the loneliness that comes with a chronic illness, but how it can be such a lonely path being one of the few who are hopeful and know they can heal, especially when friends, family, and doctors don't believe that healing, recovery, symptom reduction, or being drug independent, is even possible.

Instead of being alone and isolated, our HOPE Community is intended to connect you with like minded folks, and fellow travellers, including ourselves. Whether in the weekly group calls, listening to Community member's healing stories in Lilian's library, or following Gary's recounting of his own journey story, here you will find a sense belonging and togetherness, and the feeling that you are supported.

Here is where hope can grow into faith and action.

** [We believe the unique offering of this community is the focus on reducing chronic illness symptoms via stress reduction, personal development, mind-set, installing healthier beliefs and expectations, trauma healing and life choices. While various other approaches could be considered (e.g. special diets, supplements, cannabis, devices, apps, deep brain stimulation, exercise regimes, religious practices, etc.), we wish to make it clear that these alternatives are explicitly outside the scope and mission of the community. We believe there are plenty of other places where expert information on these other topics can found and experiences of them can be shared.

We have got an amazing body fine tuned for thriving through thousands of years of survival, we just need to understand our nature, resolve past traumas, learn to tune into our body, and use our innate or natural healing abilities, in a modern world filled with stress provoking surroundings].



When I started this journey and figured out that Parkinson's and other chronic illnesses were a sort of PTSD, I soon realized that you need a community that could help you all because my time as a coach and therapist is limited.

So the way to help more and more people was to build a community, and Gary has helped me with that. So every Sunday we meet a little group and talk about important subjects in regard to mental health and how to reduce stress and symptoms.

These meetings are, of course, recorded. The guys of you who cannot join the group calls, you can see the recordings in the community, and it's my idea going forward that I will find more and more professionals who can help me. So in the end, I hope that there will be something going on in the community several times a day.

So help yourself, help us. To do this work takes a lot of time and join the community. Here, you will hear me and Gary tell a little about the community, the recordings, and the text that Gary shares. Enjoy and hope to see you soon.


So this is a reminder that there's two pieces of content by me, exclusively available for members of the community. So if you go on members in the main menu on the website, and then community, scroll down, and you'll see two headings of my content.

The first one is my research and knowledge and theory -based content, and this is dripped, so you get one lesson once a week. So there's various things I've discovered in my own healing journey and doing my research.

Then the other piece of content by me is my story - this is my biography so it tells my story from beginning to end, this isn't dripped, this is available so you can read all of it at once if you like.

If we go back then the most recent piece of content is always available and linked to as well. So in the Gary’s Content part the current lesson is the benefits of Yoga Nidra. Here in “my story” I am starting to chronicle the time I had a big setback, went into hospital. So that's it.

Garys content


So that was Gary's content. On the right side, you have my content. One part of it is the recordings from group calls you can find here. The same principle, so that you can see the last months or so of content, you can go there, and you can see the last months of recordings. It's good when the meeting time doesn't fit your time zone, or you couldn't come the last time, you can catch up here.

Then I have a library where I've collected many links and videos I've found here and there that relate to this content.

There's a lot of good things going on here in the community. There's a group Calendar where you can see the next meetings and it's the idea that more and more content should be available going forward.

So with these words, we hope you'll join the community, so we can get more and more people and more and more professionals that can help us all to make this unique place for people that have a chronic illness or maybe everybody that has figured out that stress is not very good in their way forward.

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