May your dream come true Gary. Much like this is very needed.

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I have recently moved across country to attend the Albuquerque School of Healing Arts, after recovering from a TBI earlier this year. My vision is to create or work in the kind of respite center that you speak about. My mother traveled the Parkinsons journey for 13 yearrs. I watched her become more and more stressed as she was bounced around within the medical system. My own healing after a brain injury was aided by a space filled with meditation, natural healing and supportive community. (I share my journey on my substack page "Emergent Healing") It is my dream to create this kind of retreat center where people can quiet themselves, away from the chaos and electronic chatter of our world to get in touch with what their body and spirit need. Thank you for forming this community!

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I’m happy to participate as a professional member-consultant as I firmly believe community is crucial to recovery.

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Hi Marvin. Thanks for the offer :-)

I can see you have your roots in devices and "hardware". I am into 100% natural stress reduction, personal development and trauma healing.

It takes some very rich people and donations, before we can buy equipment to send out to people of the community.

It will take many years before we reach that state of wealth :-) .

The day we make real sanctuaries I might look in that direction.

Right now it is trainers, psychotherapists and the like I am looking for.

So people can learn to do it the natural way.

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Lilian you missed the part of my clinical background that includes being a body-centered psychotherapist in private practice for 35 years, certified in Bioenergetic Analysis (1983) and Awareness through Movement training with Moshe Feldenkrais and 14 years group therapy and organizational consulting with Yvonne Agazarian in Systems-Centered therapy. The ‘hardware’ I am studying and providing now costs <$300US. My suggestion is to let people know what is available that can be helpful and then facilitate the community solving the acquisition and deployment.

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