Feb 3Liked by Lilian Sjøberg

I hate how I was forced to subscribe to this webpage just in order to say I read this article. As soon as I have “liked” this article I will go back and unsubscribe because I am not going to sit here and be inundated with 100 emails into my inbox.

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I very much appreciate the transcripts. I know - more work. But so helpful!!!

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Well , the nature of the let down reflex involves oxytocin , as does the nature of latching on and having a resultant full belly . A nursing mother is going to be in a mood of relaxation because the oxytocin causes a reset in the system

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When a mother nurses her child , not only is her system creating the balanced nutrition for that child's age , but likewise , anything that the child is exposed to that requires an immune response , will pass INTO the mother's breast , get reacted to , and then that specialized response will flow back INTO the child , to help the childs system deal with the invasion . So , the breast , is not only creating energy for the child to consume , but is responsive to the situation. The breast is acting as a filter for both nutrition for the infant , but also a filter of the environment the infant is exposed to . This filtering action , is likewise , what the mysterious placenta does inside of the childs creation . This filtering action is likewise what our brains do for us , inside of perception AND response . I am fascinated by this conversation , and wanted to offer to you both , this thought . Jennifer

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