Blue light excites our dopamine, but chronic spikes from devices will eventually deplete it:


Why I'm a big fan of getting a megadose of blue light from the Sun in the AM, rather than a computer all day.

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Thanks for this - really interesting connection.

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There is a part of this story involving "settings". Our autonomic nervous system is set, in my case, "too high", and so sends faulty commands around my body that my body valiantly obeys. My body was built, from the womb, for permanent fight/flight, and has valiantly maintained that for 72 years. I had to deal with my home being a place of danger from birth and so I have lived in a lifelong emotional anxiety state. Add to that, I am an electromagnetic sensitive, and the various unhealthy EMFs keep my body in permanent physical stress mode. It's a double whammy. This is my latest thinking on my own healing.


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It is a good post you made :-) I thimk I can help you to connect some dots here

1. eating: When you belive that the next diet is better than the one you have now, you get calm (the switch back) preparing food you belive is helping you makes you mindfuld and calm. When it becomes a rutine, dailyday stress have a chance to switch you back, and you get symptomatic again. So unless you is in lack of vitamines it is your inner calmness that do the trick, the term is the placebo effect..but it is the switch to a calm body.

2. It is possible to work with the trauma from womb and early childhood. Not a lot different than other traumas, you just work with your feelings instead of your memmory

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Oh dear, I knew I shouldn't have shared on this topic. Did you read my article? If so I think you have missed my point.

I am speculating - this is very important - speculating - thinking outside the box - that we are ALL doing it ALL wrong. And I am speculating about what it might take to get it right. So I apologise if you are uncomfortable with that. In that case, there is no need to read on because from here on there is only speculation and the assumption that neither of us has the full answer YET.

This is what I want to talk about.

I AM far from certain about the details, but I am certain that we need something new. Medicine has certainties, alternative modalities have certainties, and none of them is healing anyone who is actually sick, particularly now in the age of man-made diseases. They can mitigate symptoms for a while but the body shunts itself back to its previous state, as soon as the next crisis comes along. As it should, because that is how it knows to keep itself alive. When we use alternative modalities, we take our body OUT of its natural balance and try to impose a new balance. The critical word here is "impose", and it will resist that imposition as best it can. When we impose any lifestyle change on our body, we may slow down our decline but we do not reverse it. Our body fights us every step of the way because it has kept us alive thus far and expects to continue to keep us alive that way, it's way. Demanding it change is demanding it let us die, which it is not going to do without a fight.

So how is the body getting it so wrong? How or why is it running in a way that one part of the body is actually harming another part of the body. My current speculation is SETTINGS of the autonomic nervous system. Our body is remarkably complex and it is managing all that complexity that no conscious human brain could possibly manage. Perhaps we need to ask it what help IT needs. When I have asked my body that, the answer is the same - get the vagus nerve healthy, and IT will do absolutely everything else, maybe with some help from some good food and supplements. But in any case, it will get us well, either slowly or quickly, if we get the vagus nerve in 100% working order.

That's all there is to it. One switch - the vagus nerve - to fix everything else.

So how do we get the vagus nerve in 100% working order? Now there's the rub.

Did you see my suggestion for what might do it? Still speculating mind you but prepared to run my own experiment on my own body to see where it takes me.

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I think it is good to experiment :-)

I have done that since I was a teenager, on myself. And when I started to get better I started to help other people. Of cause we have not found out everything. I do not think we ever will.

I will look forward to hear you results, when they show up.

Of cause I follow a link, when a brilliant mind post it :-)

I might look your post over once more. It contained a lot of informations, for me to reflect around :-)

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