
Adrenaline and Symptoms

How Stress Lingers in the Body and cause chronic diseases

In the addendum diabetes is mentioned as a stress symptom.


In general, when your survival instincts are triggered, your whole body gets alert, and ready to fight, flight, or freeze. The interesting thing is that this being alert, it's dopamine - you’re filling yourself with dopamine.

Then, depending on the situation, the dopamine is converted to adrenaline, and probably also other chemical things, are released if you react with fight, flight, or freeze.

In modern life most people just stand still, sit still and do nothing, even when in fight or flight. So this adrenaline lingers in your body and it's what causes your symptoms in the long-term perspective. So you being on alert, or you being in fight, flight, or freeze for long periods of the day, of the week, it will sooner or later cause your symptoms.

You can get some symptoms immediately, but if you are in this state of your biology: after decades, where the symptoms increase, you get a diagnosis. I it's coming from the original stress. It's just building up over the years as more stressors are accumulating. 

So while maybe 90% or 95% have had a stressful event just before they get diagnosed. It doesn't mean that it's only that event, e.g. a stressful job, but is just the catalyst, and it's probably a whole life, where you have conditioned yourself to behave like this, being a fighter, fleeing, or getting into freeze.

From https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Biosynthesis-of-dopamine-noradrenaline-and-adrenaline-Synthesizing-enzymes-and-enzyme_fig2_280883918

Here you see how adrenaline is produced from dopamine.

Addendum - Diabetes and stress

We are currently researching this subject and will write a full-length article in due course. So this is a test to see if our audience is interested. :-)

I recently came across a very interesting article about adrenaline rush, which stated:

“The hypothalamus in the brain signals to the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and other stress hormones. Adrenal glands produce adrenaline by transforming the amino acid tyrosine into dopamine. Noradrenaline is produced when oxygenation of dopamine takes place which is converted into adrenaline in the body. The production of insulin is then inhibited by the binding of receptors on the heart, arteries, pancreas, liver, muscles and fatty tissues. The body uses sugar and fat produced from the process to fight or flight in the stressful situation.”

This once again highlights that adrenaline is created by using up dopamine supplies, but also that constantly generating adrenaline can make you insulin resistant. When you are under stress cells must push sugar to the bloodstream as muscles have number one priority as you need to fight or flight. So stress pushes both diabetes type 1 and 2 to the limit. When you are stressed more insulin is needed.

Why not get rid of the stress, so you need less insulin (if you have some production left)?

Here is an article that links childhood trauma with diabetes

Exposure to adversity in childhood (ACEs) is linked to a number of chronic diseases in adulthood, yet there is limited research examining the impact of ACEs on diabetes. The current review sought to examine the association between ACEs, other trauma exposure or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis, and risk for diabetes. Thirty-eight studies are reviewed. Unlike in other diseases, several studies in diabetes show a threshold-response versus a dose-response relation, while other studies show a relation between greater abuse severity and diabetes risk.


and I have created a new members area to support people who want to reduce their symptoms by addressing a lifetime of stress. For the month of June and July, members also get free access to our online course “Body Memories and Fascia”.
We will every month find a new offer for you.

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